
Valgus deformity of the big toe of the foot (bunion, hallux valgus)


Hallux valgus deformity is one of the most common problems in the field of orthopedics. Of all patients, it affects 80% of women and 20% of men. On the first stages, the defect looks like a small protruding bone near the big toe, and in severe cases the degraded joint gives a lot of trouble to its owner. The symptoms may be different – from excessive leg fatigue to the inability to choose shoes that would fit.

Fortunately, the pathology is subject to correction. The Ladisten Clinic conducts minimally invasive operations using modern technology. As a result, the patient forgets about the diagnosis of hallux valgus forever, and his or her feet are able to live a full life.

What is hallux valgus?

In case of hallux valgus, the joint of the big toe is deformed. Usually a “bunion” appears on both feet at the same time. The big toe moves aside significantly, bending to the adjoining toe. Its bone turns in the opposite direction and forms a “bunion”. This is how the pathology of hallux valgus shows itself.

The first signs of the deformity can’t be noticed immediately and they don’t cause discomfort. Therefore, the defect is ignored in the initial stages when it can still be easily eliminated. During a medical examination, the doctor may notice a small corn or plantar callosity on the side of the big toe – these are the first signs of development of the pathology.


Hallux valgus deformity is a hereditary pathology in some cases. If the parents had a “bunion”, the probability that children will also have it is very high. Apart from genetics, there may be several other causes of such a defect:

  • narrow toecap. Frequent wearing of shoes or boots with a narrow toecap and high heels gradually shift the big toe to the adjoining one, deforming the joint and forming valgus;
  • platypodia of a transverse nature;
  • excessive load on the musculoskeletal system. There are two reasons for it – excess weight and weak muscles;
  • neurological diseases.

When the problem widens, a person usually tries to eliminate it with help of conservative methods – splints, shoes, massage, but they are not always effective.

 It is important to understand that the “bunion” is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a serious problem that increases the risk of disability. A timely correction will help to maintain good physical and psychological health.

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По мере развития патология hallux valgus дает о себе знать разными симптомами:

  • постоянно возникают натоптыши на подошве и в области «косточки»;
  • ноги регулярно устают и болят, особенно вечером;
  • передняя часть стопы расширяется, не дает возможности подобрать обувь;
  • со временем развивается артроз, сустав изнашивается, что может привести к инвалидности;
  • в ряде случаев косточка воспаляется, появляется бурсит.

Когда болезнь переходит во вторую стадию, большой палец перекрывает указательный, наползает на него. Постепенно он ложится и на другие пальцы. Ходить с таким отклонением чрезвычайно болезненно и сложно.

How to identify it
Diagnostics of hallux valgus pathology

An experienced orthopedist can identify the initial stage of hallux valgus deformity of the foot during examination. The diagnosis of hallux valgus is confirmed by three medical examinations: Computer podometry. The longitudinal and transversal dimensions of the foot are found. Special indices are determined and calculations are done. X-ray. The degree of pathology is determined and the deviation angle is detected (starting from 10 degrees). MRI. Conducted as an additional examination to assess the condition of soft tissues (ligaments, tendons and bursas). In total, there are four degrees of pathology.

Is it possible to live with it?
Millions of people live with the diagnosis of hallux valgus

The diagnosis of hallux valgus is not the hardest one. Millions of people live with it and many of them don’t even try to treat it. If the angle of deviation is small, it allows one to turn a blind eye to the problem. But when the pathology develops further, a person begins to think. Shoes have to be bought a couple of sizes larger, a woman can’t wear heels, a man forgets about stylish narrow shoes. And these are just aesthetic aspects.

What the future holds

In the future, disability and arthrosis may develop, with which it is really much more difficult to live. Therefore, the answer to the question is: “You can live with hallux valgus, but it’s better to get rid of it”.

Preventive measures
Exercise therapy, massages and special physical training

As with most orthopedic diseases, these are conservative methods of prevention.

Orthopedic shoes

When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to wear special shoes. Shoes will not become a treatment for pathology, but it is an excellent addition which helps to reduce the expression of the symptoms.

Proper nutrition

The pathology of hallux valgus is often found in overweight people, therefore, following a diet and ensuring proper nutrition is one of the points of disease prevention.

Proper rest

It is also important to give your feet a good rest and distribute the physical load over time properly.

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Our doctors use unique methods of treatment introduced by Veklich V.V.

Founder/Chief surgeon

The founder of “Ladisten” medical center of orthopedics and traumatology Veklich Vitaliy Viktorovich is a surgeon in the field of orthopedics and traumatology for children and adults who has been practicing for more than 40 years. Author of the modified external fixation devices – the Veklich devices.

Work experience: 40 years
Head doctor, orthopedic and traumatic surgeon

Head doctor of the Ladisten Clinic Medical Center, a professional certified surgeon in the field of pediatric and adult orthopedics and traumatology.

Work experience: 15 years

Лечение деформации сустава большого пальца на ноге проводится после предварительных обследований.

  • Определяется степень патологии;
  • Возможность оперативного вмешательства;
  • Составляется индивидуальный план лечения.

В обязательном порядке перед оперативным вмешательством необходимо пройти ряд исследований для точной оценки состояния здоровья пациента и исключить возможные противопоказания. Подробнее о операции hallux valgus.


В среднем, достаточно 2 месяцев реабилитации, и пациент навсегда забывает, что у него была деформация hallux valgus. Уже через 8 недель можно возвращаться к привычному образу жизни, а через 5 месяцев разрешают заниматься спортом после предварительного осмотра хирурга-ортопеда.


Our patients have become healthy, beautiful and full of energy with Ladisten Clinic