
Hallux Valgus surgery


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Description of the disease

The hallux valgus surgical operation, or treatment of valgus deformity of the foot, is one of the priorities of surgery. Today it is the most common orthopedic pathology. Of all patients, it affects 80% of women and 20% of men. Regular feeling of pain in the feet and an aesthetic defect considerably complicate the life of patients with curvature of the joint in the big toe.

On the first stages, the defect looks like a small protruding bone near the big toe, and in severe cases the degraded joint gives a lot of trouble to its owner. The problems may be different – from excessive leg fatigue to the inability to choose shoes that would fit.

Fortunately, the pathology is subject to correction. The Ladisten Clinic conducts minimally invasive operations using modern technology. As a result, the patient forgets about the diagnosis of hallux valgus forever, and his or her feet are able to live a full life.

What is hallux valgus?

In case of hallux valgus, the joint of the big toe is deformed. Usually a “bunion” appears on both feet at the same time. The big toe moves aside significantly, bending to the adjoining toe. Its bone turns in the opposite direction and forms a “bunion”. This is how the pathology of hallux valgus shows itself.

The first signs of the deformity can’t be noticed immediately and they don’t cause discomfort. Therefore, the defect is ignored in the initial stages when it can still be easily eliminated. During a medical examination, the doctor may notice a small corn or plantar callosity on the side of the big toe – these are the first signs of development of the pathology.

Causes of hallux valgus deformity

Hallux valgus deformity is a hereditary pathology in some cases. If the parents had a “bunion”, the probability that children will also have it is very high.

The curvature takes place gradually. The process depends on a number of factors, and is not always noticeable immediately. The main reasons leading to the formation of “bunions”:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • uncomfortable shoes with a narrow toecap;
  • platypodia of a transverse nature;
  • excess weight and excessive load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • weak muscles and ligaments the lower limbs;
  • neurological diseases.

The treatment of hallux valgus deformities is usually carried out using conservative methods at first, but in practice they are not very effective.

If the problem is not addressed at all, the big toe will be shifted towards the adjoining one, it can overlap it, hang over other toes. The bone shifts to the other side, forming an ugly hump. The first signals that tell about the development of pathology:

  • pain when wearing shoes;
  • pain in the feet which intensifies in the evening;
  • the presence of a small “bunion” on the bone of the first toe.

If these signs are found, one should consult a doctor for a diagnosis. If nothing is done, the patient acquires a number of problems:

  • a significant aesthetic defect. Women experience valgus more often than men. For young girls, it becomes a real trial. A girl can forget about beautiful feminine high-heeled shoes;
  • periodic pain in the lower limbs. In complex cases, an inflammatory process called bursitis develops;
  • inability to choose shoes. Standard shoes are not designed for a bulging “bunion” so one is forced to buy shoes two sizes larger. Is it worth talking about the convenience and beauty of such shoes?

The operation on hallux valgus allows to forget about these problems forever.

Surgical treatment of hallux valgus

In their practice, doctors at Ladisten Clinic use minimally invasive methods of surgery. The center has been successfully operating for more than 28 years; only highly qualified doctors are performing surgeries. Treatment of hallux valgus in Ladisten has several advantages:

  • after correction, no large scars remain. Doctors need only two cuts on the foot to carry out all the manipulations;
  • surgical experience reduces time needed for everything to be done, and after 1-3 hours the patient enters the rehabilitation period;
  • operation of hallux valgus using modern methods allows to avoid large blood loss;
  • in more than 90% of cases the rehabilitation is fast;
  • trust among a wide audience of patients from more than 36 countries who have successfully undergone therapy;
  • setting-up of an individual foot correction plan including all necessary tests and examinations;
  • an opportunity to get recommendations from leading doctors on postoperative care, physical load and choosing of shoes;
  • use of only certified materials during correction;
  • removal of sutures in 10 days after the surgical procedure.

The correction allows the patients to:

  • get beautiful feet without a protruding “bunion”;
  • get rid of the excruciating pain;
  • receive a lifelong effect without relapse on condition of properly chosen shoes and favorable rehabilitation;
  • guarantee fast recovery of physical activity and performance.

It is important to understand that the “bunion” is not only an aesthetic defect but also a serious problem that increases the risk of disability. Timely correction protects physical and psychological health.

Treatment of deformity of the joint of the big toe with help of surgical method has a 98% rate of effectiveness.

If conservative methods don’t provide the desired effect for a long time, one should consult an orthopedist and consider undergoing a surgical procedure.

Treatment of hallux valgus deformity has some contraindications:

  •         endocrine disorders (thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus);
  •         poor blood coagulability;
  •         cardiovascular diseases and chronic hypertension;
  •         oncological diseases.

More than 6,000 orthopedic surgeries have been performed at the Ladisten Clinic, with their efficiency reaching 98%. After the surgical operation on hallux valgus the patients forget about the previous discomfort, wear beautiful shoes, practice sports, they are not afraid of the development of arthrosis and walk confidently through life.

To make an appointment, you can call the numbers:

 +38 (044) 209 80 54
 +38 (067) 794 46 86
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We will help to choose a convenient time for you to give us a visit or hold an online consultation during which we will examine your problem and answer all questions.

After the surgical operation on hallux valgus the patients forget about the problem forever. They wear beautiful shoes, practice sports, they are not afraid of the development of arthrosis and walk confidently through life!

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Founder/Chief surgeon

The founder of “Ladisten” medical center of orthopedics and traumatology Veklich Vitaliy Viktorovich is a surgeon in the field of orthopedics and traumatology for children and adults who has been practicing for more than 40 years. Author of the modified external fixation devices – the Veklich devices.

Work experience: 40 years
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Head doctor, orthopedic and traumatic surgeon

Head doctor of the Ladisten Clinic Medical Center, a professional certified surgeon in the field of pediatric and adult orthopedics and traumatology.

Work experience: 15 years
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The operation on hallux valgus at Ladisten clinic

When the pathology of hallux valgus is clearly apparent, the patient suffers from constant pain, can’t wear shoes of his or her size, the indications to perform an operation in order to correct the defect are obvious. With small manifestations of hallux valgus, doctors can only perform surgery on soft tissues, but often bones must be operated on too. They are cut in the area of the big toe and grown ​​again, already placed in the correct position. To fix the joint, titanium screws and plates are use. They remain inside the foot without interfering with the usual way of life. Many patients live with them for years. Advantages of this method:

  • Minimally invasive. Only two to three cuts on each foot are required.
  • No marks from scars. The cuts do not exceed 1 cm in length, and after healing there are practically no scars.
  • Minimal blood loss during surgery.
  • No need to wear plaster and use crutches.

Within just a couple of days after the procedure, the patient moves on his or her own in special supportive shoes. The operation takes about an hour and is performed under general anesthesia. In the first 2-3 days, the patient stays in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. To eliminate postoperative pain, painkillers are used.

Which results can be achieved?

The treatment of deformity of the joint of the big toe implies not only surgical manipulations but also the postoperative period. At this time, the patient needs to maintain the state of the foot in certain conditions. In order for the recovery to take place correctly and painlessly, doctors recommend to keep the leg elevated more often. In such a way. the healing will come faster. Other recommendations:

  • use a splint to fix the foot at night;
  • massage the feet with a small soft ball or bottle;
  • wear special orthopedic shoes which provide a comfortable level of load on the operated foot.

All pain and discomfort should be reported to the doctor. Sometimes titanium screws are removed, but in most cases they remain in the foot without interfering with the usual way of life. After 3-4 weeks, one more x-ray photograph is taken and the condition of the joint is checked. After the hallux valgus operation is over, recovery takes from 3 weeks to 2 months. The timing depends on the initial condition of the foot and the complexity of the manipulations. In case of advanced stages of the disease, the rehabilitation takes longer. In general, the joint immediately regains its mobility, and after 5 weeks the patient can wear normal shoes.


Hallux Valgus surgery photo and video before and after

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