Чем отличаются артроз и остеоартроз

Deforming osteoarthrosis is the disease that up to 12% of the population of the entire globe is faced with. In Ukraine, the spread of the disease is quite wide - more than 2,000 people out of every one hundred thousand

Deforming osteoarthrosis is the disease that up to 12% of the population of the entire globe is faced with. In Ukraine, the spread of the disease is quite wide – more than 2,000 people out of every one hundred thousand¹. Osteoarthritis significantly complicates life, so you need to get rid of it as soon as possible. Ladisten Clinic helps patients in this fight.

What is arthrosis

Before choosing the way of treatment of deforming arthrosis one needs to understand the essence of the disease. The fact is that the lion’s share of therapy is aimed on eliminating the symptoms and relieving pain. The disease continues to progress every year. Why is this happening? And why are the preventive measures to avoid deforming arthrosis not always effective?

Osteoarthrosis is a degenerative disease of articular cartilage. It leads to cartilage thinning, bone exposure, hyperostosis and deformation of surfaces of the joint². Osteoarthrosis and arthrosis, as well as deforming osteoarthrosis (DOA), are synonyms.

The musculoskeletal system is a complex biomechanical structure. Joints, muscles, cartilages and bones are its main components. If at least one element fails, the mechanism breaks up and the whole system is suffering. This is what the most dangerous about arthrosis: it affects all components at once. After all, the skeleton is the basis of the whole organism.

Normally, the joint is located between two bones. It includes cartilage, articular capsule with nerve endings and articular cavity with synovial fluid. All this provides lubrication, elasticity and mobility. Thanks to the joint, a human is able to make movements.

Under the influence of some factors, the cartilage is abraded, the amount of synovial fluid decreases and the bones begin to touch each other. It causes pain and immobilizes a person. The pain can be reduced with drugs but it is almost impossible to restore the joint using medicines.

Preventive measures of osteoarthrosis include gymnastics, swimming and aerobics. However, these methods won’t give the proper effect when the cartilage is already half destroyed. On the contrary, strong physical activity would only stimulate its deformation.

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Many people think that arthrosis is an age-related disease. But that’s not right. If measures are not taken in time, it can catch one at a young age

Why does osteoarthrosis occur?

Many people think that arthrosis is an age-related disease. But that’s not right. If measures are not taken in time, it can catch one at a young age. The main reasons are as follows:

  • Congenital pathology. Even varus and valgus deformities can eventually lead to arthrosis;
  • Heavy loads on the joints, such as professional sports, carrying weights, work performed while standing on legs for a long time;
  • Injuries in medical history. After injuries, the bones may not knit as they should, which affects the joint and cartilage;
  • Excess weight. Kilograms increase the load on the entire musculoskeletal system.

If osteoarthrosis has appeared, it is necessary to carry out treatment immediately. Here the question arises: which doctor treats DOA? First, one needs to see a therapist, and then an orthopedist and a neurologist. The diagnosis must be confirmed by medical tests and X-ray. After all, arthrosis can be confused with arthritis and other diseases.

Types of the disease

Osteoarthroses are differentiated by the causes of occurrence: primary (idiopathic) and secondary. Another classification relates to the affected area:

  • Osteoarthrosis of the joints of arms or hands;
  • Arthrosis of the shoulder joint;
  • Coxarthrosis (disease of the hip joint);
  • Gonarthrosis (of the knee joint).

And other types of disease.

Osteoarthrosis of the joints: ways of treatment

Arthrosis has its degrees and stages of development.

  1. At the first stages, a gap between the bones is still there, the cartilage is abraded but it can be supported with help of medicinal therapy.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, chondroprotectors and painkillers are used. One needs to take regular supportive courses 1-2 times a year. But taking pharmaceuticals does not guarantee that the disease won’t progress.
  • In some cases, the causes of cartilage destruction are bad heredity and lifestyle. It is useless to fight with the first one, and it is very difficult to do It in case of the second. Therefore, if the diagnosis of deforming osteoarthrosis is confirmed, comprehensive treatment is chosen.

        2. Starting from the second stage of cartilage deformity, surgical procedures are performed.

  • According to OARSI (Osteoarthritis Research Society International)³ , corrective osteotomy has a 100% result in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint, unlike many medicinal methods.
  • In the treatment of arthrosis, the bone is incised in the right place to form a completely new cartilage. The joint is fixed with a special device.

How to treat DOA with help of surgery? Should one be afraid of the procedure?

Modern technologies have minimized the unpleasant peculiarities of osteotomy:

  • Wound infection. It is unlikely since the manipulations are carried out through incisions of 2-4 mm in size;
  • Significant blood loss. There is virtually no open surgical wound;
  • Inflammation and injuries when installing spokes. At Ladisten, the treatment process doesn’t involve using spokes, a device of a different design is used;
  • Long-term rehabilitation. On average, treatment takes up to 3 months, and after this time the patient can already move on his or her own;
  • Bulky fixation device. The device designed by Dr. Veklich compares favorably with its analogues. It has less weight and is smaller in size.

The testimonials from patients who have undergone treatment in Ladisten state that osteotomy saved their joints in 90 days, while before the surgery they were forced to take medicines for years.

Just make an appointment if you want to find out the exact diagnosis you can call the numbers:

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  1. Kovalenko V.M., Kornatsky V.M., Shuba N.M. that іn. Rheumatic twigs in Ukraine: the current camp of the problem and the need for medical assistance and the shirts. – K., 2004 .– S. 23-26. Kovalenko V.N., Bortkevich O.P. Osteoarthrosis. – K .: Morion, 2003 .– 448 p.
  2. Arthrosis. Big medical encyclopedia. – M., 1975. – T. 2. – 679 p..
  3. Zhang W, Nuki G, Moskowitz RW et al. OARSI recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: part III: Changes in evidence following systematic cumulative update of research published through January 2009. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2010;18:476-499.