Deforming arthrosis: symptoms, diagnostics, treatment


One of the most dangerous ailments that develop after 40 years is articular deformation, that is, deforming arthrosis. Running, jumping and even walking are taken for granted. People don’t notice these simple actions in everyday life. Over time, the cartilages wear out, inflammation occurs and the joint suffers. As a result, it is difficult for a person to move and to bend the affected area (knee, ankle or elbow).

The pathology of deforming arthrosis is insidious as it can creep upon somebody and eventually lead to disability. The morbidity trend is growing every day.

The diagnosis of deforming arthrosis: what is it?

The disease affects primarily women after 50 years. A risk factor is being overweight, which puts too much load on the joints. Athletes of 20-30 years are also prone to osteoarthrosis. Injuries and regular training contribute to cartilage abrasion.

There are 3 degrees of damage:

  1.   Stage one. The pathology manifests itself with minor symptoms – the first signs;
  2.   Stage two. The pains become regular after physical load. The cartilage is affected. The knee is slightly deformed;
  3.   Stage three. The cartilage is absent, and the bones begin to grow together. The person can’t move at all. In 6.5% of cases, gonarthrosis leads to disability.

Depending on the degree of damage, there are several methods to combat the disease. It is possible to return motor activity to the joints even at the most severe stages. When others propose complete joint replacement, Ladisten clinic successfully performs minimally invasive operations with a minimum of unpleasant consequences for the body. These manipulations are less traumatic, are effective in more than 90% of cases, they are carried out without a large loss of blood, and rehabilitation takes less time.

Deforming arthrosis is often associated with gonarthrosis – damage of the knee joint. It is this area that suffers the most.

Pathology of deforming arthrosis: the causes

The main causes of the disease are:

  • injuries, fractures and luxations;
  • inflammation in the joints of various etiology – spondylosis deformans, rheumatism, gout (uratic arthritis);
  • weak ligaments;endocrine disorders.

Deforming arthrosis is the deformation of not only joints, but also bones. As a result of the disease, they grow, leading to curvature of the limbs and posture.

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Перші дзвоники виникають задовго до того, як хрящі повністю руйнуються. Тому діагноз деформуючий артроз можна поставити на ранніх стадіях. Але в сучасному темпі життя людина не завжди звертається до лікаря вчасно. Якщо після фізичного навантаження виникає ниючий біль – це сигнал початку захворювання. По мірі того, як розвивається патологія, деформуючий артроз викликає такі симптоми:

  • сильний біль у суглобах;
  • якщо мова йде про колінний суглоб, людині важко ходити, згинати ноги;
  • постава порушується;
  • коліна деформуються, викривляються убік.

З часом біль стає постійним.

How to identify it
How the deforming arthrosis is diagnosed?

The disease requires extensive diagnostics. After the consultation and examination by an orthopedist, the diagnosis is confirmed by the following methods: Radiography. It helps to determine the exact position of the joints and bones, the presence of a gap between them; Ultrasound, CT, MRI: These are the analogues of X-ray that are indicative even in the early stages; Blood analysis: Common blood count (CBC) and “chemistry panel”. These indicate the presence of inflammation; Puncture for synovial fluid analysis; Arthroscopy. A small surgical manipulation that determines the condition of the cartilage. Diversity does not mean that the doctor will prescribe all the examinations. Depending on the situation, he chooses only the necessary ones, usually 2-3 methods.

Is it possible to live with it?
Living with the disease is very hard

Deforming arthrosis brings damage not only joints, but also to the quality of life and the psychological state. Pain becomes a constant companion. It is exhausting, a person cannot lead an active life, and in the most advanced cases, the patient is forced to use a wheelchair.

As a rule, in this situation surgery is offered to completely replace the diseased joint. It is expensive, dangerous, the rehabilitation takes a lot of time, and the artificial joint is sometimes quite hard to heal. Conservative treatment methods have a temporary effect. These can include injections, physiotherapy, extension of joints, massages and exercise therapy. By using these methods, patients with arthrosis maintain their body active.

Preventive measures
Diet and physical exercise

The diagnosis of deforming arthrosis can be postponed for a long time if you regularly take exercise (without unnecessary extra load) and keep a diet. Salts and extra pounds, which increase the risk of disease development, shouldn’t be deposited in the body.

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Our doctors use unique methods of treatment introduced by Veklich V.V.

Founder/Chief surgeon

The founder of “Ladisten” medical center of orthopedics and traumatology Veklich Vitaliy Viktorovich is a surgeon in the field of orthopedics and traumatology for children and adults who has been practicing for more than 40 years. Author of the modified external fixation devices – the Veklich devices.

Work experience: 40 years
Head doctor, orthopedic and traumatic surgeon

Head doctor of the Ladisten Clinic Medical Center, a professional certified surgeon in the field of pediatric and adult orthopedics and traumatology.

Work experience: 15 years

Під навантаженням організму та внаслідок стирання хрящів кості зміщуються, викликаючи біль. Щоб патологія деформуючий артроз покинула тіло назавжди, достатньо повернути правильне положення кісток та суглобів. Як це зробити? У клініці Ладістен відновлюють природну анатомічну лінію «голівка бедра – центр колінного суглобу – центр гомілкостопного суглобу». Навіть на останніх стадіях артрозу, коли пацієнту важко ходити, можно провести подібне втручання.


Реабілітація. Одразу після операції пацієнт може поступово повертатися до звичного життя. В перші дні відчувається біль – це природній період загоєння тканин. Можна застосовувати знеболювальне. Через 2-3 дні пацієнт встає за допомогою підпори, а пізніше – ходить самостійно, але з апаратом на нозі. Через 2-3 місяці апарат знімають. Можно вважати, що деформуючий артроз – деформація, яку перемогли!


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