Hallux valgus

We created a selection of the 8 most popular and ineffective methods. Perhaps this will prevent you from self-treatment, as well help to save time and money

The bunion, or bump, are popular names of the same pathology. In medicine, it is called Hallux valgus, and is easily eliminated by performing an operation. Is it possible to get rid of it yourself and how effective are the home methods?

How a bunion on the big toe can be treated?

Hallux valgus is a form of osteoarthritis. It manifests itself in bulging of the joint of the big toe, its inflammation and deformation.

Although big toe bone surgery is quite common, such operations scare many patients. People are still trying to treat Hallux valgus at home. After suffering for years and getting no positive results, they come to Ladisten. Because of that, we created a selection of the 7 most popular and ineffective methods. Perhaps this will prevent you from self-treatment, as well help to save time and money.

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Hallux valgus is a bone pathology. It is simply impossible to straighten the affected bone with help of compresses and external methods

7 ineffective folk healing methods of treatment to use at home
  1. Correctors for bunion (Hallux valgus) treatment. These include various bandages, splints and fixation holders. They are slightly different in shape but share a similar principle: fixation of the bone is achieved by putting pressure on the big toe. As a result, the pathology should decrease gradually. In practice, this happens rarely and only in the early stages of the disease. A separate kind of fixators is insoles and socks for bunion treatment. They are usually worn under shoes to relieve pain.
  2. Instrumental therapy for bunion treatment. This category is represented by shockwave therapy. It is a kind of procedure which uses ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves that are invisible to the eye. They penetrate the bone and destroy excess deposits that caused the pathology. But the reason in some cases is genetics and external therapy doesn’t impact on it.
  3. Creams for bunion treatment. And also ointments, pills and other pharmaceuticals. In some situations, doctors do prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines and painkillers. But they can eliminate only unpleasant symptoms of pathology. The reason remains.
  4. Tape for bunion treatment. Taping is a new direction in cosmetology and medicine. Special patches are applied to the area which needs to be “lifted”. It is really useful in eliminating wrinkles, but the bunion is a pathology of a different kind.
  5. Treatment of bunion using foil. This is nothing more than a self-made fixator made from ordinary aluminum foil. The method consists in wrapping the feet with this “healing” material. It is believed that the foil accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation in the inflamed area. However, nobody knows how a thin sheet of metal can do this.
  6. Compresses for bunion treatment. Compresses with some substances can really help to relieve pain. But pain is not the main problem. Any fomentations won’t help to straighten the toe, eliminate platypodia and correct the deformity of the joint.
  7. Physical therapy. Physical activity is always useful, but is it effective in treating bunions? How to remove bunions: the exercises include pulling the big toe aside, its circular rotation, massage of the bottom side of the big toe, bending and straightening of all toes. Practicing of physical exercises is not the most useless method. It can be included in complex therapy as it helps in the recovery phase after surgery.

Such folk healing methods are advised by neighbors, acquaintances, marketers, promising a miraculous effect.

Hallux valgus is a bone pathology

Unfortunately, Hallux valgus is a bone pathology. It is simply impossible to straighten the affected bone with help of compresses and external methods. In mild forms and in the initial stages of the disease, one can go without surgery. But over the years, Hallux valgus develops and causes huge discomfort. Therefore, specialists of Ladisten Clinic recommend surgical correction. It will:

  • Create a lifelong effect;
  • Eliminate the defect effectively;
  • Make legs and feet beautiful, lighten the gait.

Ladisten Clinic has been engaged in bunion treatment surgery for more than 30 years using minimally invasive, non-traumatic and safe methods. Just make an appointment if you want to find out the exact diagnosis you can call the numbers:  +38 (044) 209 80 54  +38 (067) 794 46 86 write a message  WhatsApp  Viber