
It is said that after 40 years, life is just beginning. This is true if plans for the future are not spoiled by diseases that present themselves with age. After 40 years, millions of the world’s inhabitants develop deforming arthrosis – a painful, unpleasant and dangerous pathology that can lead to disability.

Treatment of arthrosis in Ladisten is one of the most modern methods to combat the disease. After the correction, the patient confidently returns to a normal active life.

Definition: what is arthrosis

Лечение деформирующего артроза

Osteoarthroses are a group of diseases that affect the joints¹. This is manifested in the abrasion of the interarticular cartilage and the reduction of synovial fluid (serving for lubrication), as a result of which the bones touch each other. This effect causes severe pain and restricts one’s movement.

The international classification of diseases in its 10th revision describes osteoarthrosis in the positions M15 – M19². It includes several types depending on localization. Each of the processes has its own separate name. For example, arthrosis of the knee joint is called gonarthrosis in the ICD-10.

In the definition of arthrosis, Wikipedia emphasizes that it is a degenerative-dystrophic disease. That means there is a change, deformation and destruction of tissues. A synonym for the name is deforming osteoarthrosis (DOA). Arthritis is a pathology of a different nature associated with inflammation. It is important to distinguish these two diseases because the symptoms are very similar.

Symptoms of arthrosis

There are 4 main signs of arthrosis that can be marked out:

  1. Pain during movement. In the initial stages, it is poorly expressed, and with time it increases after physical activity. In the last stages of the disease, the pain practically does not go away and does not allow the person to move.
  2. Crunch. It occurs as a result of friction of the affected bones. The crunch also develops as the process progresses – at the first stages it is barely audible, while at the last ones it is loud and painful.
  3. Reduction of the motion range of the affected limb. The movement is limited due to pain and osteophytes which form at the ends of the bones.
  4. Visually noticeable joint change. It bulges out, swells and brings psychological discomfort.

Drug therapy can significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms but the disease does not go away. The treatment of arthrosis requires an integrated approach.

Causes and types of arthrosis

Arthrosis may be caused by different reasons. The main ones are as follows:

  • limb injuries;
  • excess weight;
  • improper nutrition;
  • inflammation and rheumatism;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • weakness of the ligaments;
  • valgus and varus leg deformities;
  • temperature drops.

Some factors can be avoided. For example, alcohol drinking is prohibited in case of arthrosis, because it aggravates the development of deformity.

In addition to localization, the disease is divided according to the degree of development (according to Kellgren-Lawrence)³:

  1. Stage one. There is some narrowing of the articular cavity;
  2. Stage two. The articular cavity is visible, osteophytes are already present;
  3. Stage three. Moderate osteophytes and pronounced narrowing of the articular cavity. Deformation of the bones may appear;
  4. Stage four. Large narrowing of the articular cavityt and large osteophytes. The bones are completely deformed.

The stages are determined by X-ray diagnostics.

Sometimes even teenagers complain of joint pain. If it is pronounced, it is most likely a manifestation of juvenile arthritis.

Diagnostics and treatment: traditional methods, methods of evidence-based medicine

Операция при лечении Coxa Valga

– Who treats arthrosis? This question is asked by patients who experience joint pain for the first time. They do not know who to turn to because there is a need to accurately diagnose the disease.

To begin with, one should visit a therapist. According to general description of symptoms and medical history, he or she prescribes consultations of narrow experts, mainly the following ones:

  • rheumatologist. The doctor dealing with treatment of arthritis – that is, inflammation (the symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis are often similar);
  • trauma surgeon or orthopedist. Performs surgical treatment of arthrosis.

Diagnostics of the disease are carried out using laboratory tests and X-rays.

Methods of therapy depend on the stage of joint destruction as well as on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Speaking about traditional methods of treatment, herbal decoctions can be mentioned. They are drunk or rubbed into the joint:

  • dandelion root;
  • cabbage leaves and juice;
  • elecampane root;
  • onion decoction;
  • fir needles.
  • Also honey, lemon, glycerin and crushed eggshells are used. Various homemade ointments are made of them.

OARSI recognizes three areas of evidence-based medicine that can be used for treatment of arthrosis:

  1.   medicamental. It involves using drugs that relieve inflammation and pain, reduce the general signs of the process;
  2.   non-medicamental. This includes various physiotherapy techniques, ultrasound, gymnastics, laser therapy etc.;
  3.   surgical. If you do not know how to stop arthrosis with a 100% result, there is only one answer – surgery. It may be performed in different ways. One of the safest and most minimally invasive operations is performed in Ladisten modern orthopedics clinic.

During the manipulation, the patient’s bone in cut in a certain place. In 3-5 months, new healthy bone tissue is formed. There is no need to wait for it to take in the body as it should be done in the case of prosthetics.

After the bone is cut, Veklich fixation device is placed on the limb. The operation is performed through incisions up to 5 mm in length, so there are no large scars afterwards. The main point is that the Veklich device does not include dangerous spokes and thanks to that, the use of it prevents infection, reduces the risk of soft tissue damage and speeds up rehabilitation.

There are situations when one can do without surgery. It all depends on the size of the joint and its location. But for vital parts, surgical treatment is necessary. For example, the treatment of arthrosis of the knee is closely associated with surgery.

Prevention of arthrosis

Treatment of arthrosis is a long-term struggle for a healthy joint. It is better to prevent the development of pathology having nipped it in the bud. It is especially important to eliminate risk factors that can be dealt with. It’s better for you:

  • to lose weight;
  • not to abuse alcohol. If you look for information about arthrosis of the knee joint and its treatment, you will find that patient forums are full of statements that knees hurt after heavy alcohol drinking. This substance contributes to the production of stress hormones and triggers inflammation, increases fluid pressure in the periarticular capsule;
  • to do regular exercise and minimize sedentary lifestyle.

If there is a genetic predisposition, you can visit preventive massage courses two times a year to stimulate metabolism and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Experts of Ladisten advise balancing physical activity. Intense training can negatively affect the joints, but swimming, Pilates and exercise therapy help to normalize metabolic processes in the joints and nearby tissues.

Be healthy!

¹M. H. Atkinson, Osteoarthritis. Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien vol. 30 (1984): 1503-7


³J. H. Kellgren and J. S. Lawrence. “Radiological Assessment of Osteo-Arthrosis”, Ann Rheum Dis. 1957 Dec; 16(4): 494–502

4 Zhang W, Nuki G, Moskowitz RW et al. OARSI recommendations for the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis: part III: Changes in evidence following systematic cumulative update of research published through January 2009. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2010;18:476-499

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