
Coxa Valga: causes, symptoms, diagnostics, treatment


The information provided in the article cannot be used to make a diagnosis, prescribe treatment and does not replace the advice of a doctor.

Dysplastic coxarthrosis, or Coxa Valga, is a disease that is characterized by degenerative changes in the hip joints. The disease is a consequence of a congenital joint pathology, dysplasia.

In case of dysplasia, the joint is underdeveloped, the acetabulum is formed incorrectly and caput-collum-diaphyseal angle is broken. If this angle is above the norm, then the diagnosis of Coxa Valga, that is, valgus deformity of the femoral neck can be stated. Such a pathology is practically not subject to conservative treatment, but it can be eliminated at Ladisten Clinic using high-tech osteotomy.

Сoxa Valga – what is it?

Стадии Coxa-Valga

In each newborn, femoral neck is in the valgus position – it means that it is turned back. In the process of growth, a physiological reversal occurs, and the femoral head occupies its correct position. This can be tracked by the values ​​of caput-collum-diaphyseal angle which should be 127-130 degrees in average.

But under the influence of certain factors, the cartilages undergo certain changes, and the process of reversal is disrupted.

When the angle exceeds 139 degrees, Coxa Valga appears. Over time, the pathology leads to severe changes in bone structures and surrounding tissues so they are destroyed and the cartilage is worn away. The joint, which was already unhealthy, is deformed more and coxarthrosis develops. Arthrosis of the hip joint is one of the most severe pathologies with dangerous consequences.

Causes of the illness Coxa Valga

Coxa Valga can develop immediately after birth or years later. There are several factors for it to occur:

  • Little’s disease;
  • consequences of poliomyelitis;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • tumors in the area of ​​the epiphyseal cartilage.

Less commonly, pathology occurs after rickets or improper treatment of an injury.

And the most common cause of the disease is hip dysplasia. This is a condition in which the head of the joint is underdeveloped or the acetabulum is flat, not formed properly.

The most severe form is congenital hip luxation. But other degrees of dysplasia are no less dangerous. If left untreated, they trigger coxarthrosis. As dysplasia progresses, cartilages in the acetabulum and on the femoral head degenerate. In more than 70% of cases, it is the acetabulum that suffers.

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Ознаки Coxa Valga досконально проглядається на рентгені. Лікарі можуть запідозрити патологію в дитячому віці при огляді дитини, якщо:

  • тазостегновий суглоб обмежений в рухливості;
  • при зведенні ніг дитини разом, шкірні складки на різних ногах не збігаються;
  • при розведенні ніг і згинанні в кульшовому суглобі чути «клацання»;
  • ноги візуально мають різну довжину.

Якщо патологію не лікувати, розвивається порушення ходи, болі, може виникнути кульгавість (одна нога коротша за іншу). Коли руйнуються суглоби і прогресує артроз, болі мають виражений характер. На ранніх стадіях ноги втомлюються при фізичних навантаженнях. Додається хрускіт в кульшовому суглобі, а в кінці дня з’являється кульгавість. Хода при коксартрозі стає мукою, хворий не може відвести ногу в сторону, при кожному кроці виникає гострий біль. В кінцевому підсумку пацієнтові важко себе обслуговувати, активність його обмежена, розвивається постійна кульгавість.

How to identify it
How to diagnose Coxa valga disease

The femur consists of two parts arranged at an angle: the horizontal part is the femoral neck and the vertical part is the diaphysis. The angle between them is called caput-collum-diaphyseal. Normally, its value is in the range of 127-130 degrees. If there is a deflection below normal values, it says about varus deformity, and if above, there is valgus deformity. This is the leading symptom in making the diagnosis of Coxa Valga, which is visible on X-rays.

Is it possible to live with it?

It is possible to live with mild dysplasia, though its progression is accompanied by pathologies. In some cases, waddling gait and lameness develop. This causes not only psychological but also physical discomfort. Pain and limitation of movements are the main characteristics of untreated dysplasia.

When coxarthrosis is added, the situation only worsens. With the complete destruction of the joint, a person cannot move without help. All of this can lead to life in a wheelchair.

Preventive measures
Timely examination of the baby and proper diagnostics.

Ultrasound of the hip joints and orthopedic consultation is indicated for all babies aged 3-4 months. If Coxa Valga is found, medical supervision and timely treatment are necessary

Exercises and massage

The child needs to practice exercises, a massage course can be taken

Wide swaddling

Wide swaddling can be used as an additional way of prevention

Limitation of physical activity

If the joint has already begun to degenerate, physical activity in case of coxarthrosis should be limited. But excluding activity completely is also dangerous

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Founder/Chief surgeon

The founder of “Ladisten” medical center of orthopedics and traumatology Veklich Vitaliy Viktorovich is a surgeon in the field of orthopedics and traumatology for children and adults who has been practicing for more than 40 years. Author of the modified external fixation devices – the Veklich devices.

Work experience: 40 years
Head doctor, orthopedic and traumatic surgeon

Head doctor of the Ladisten Clinic Medical Center, a professional certified surgeon in the field of pediatric and adult orthopedics and traumatology.

Work experience: 15 years
Surgical treatment

Починаючи з дисплазії 2 ступеня і вираженому коксартрозі, лікування можна проводити оперативним втручанням. Для цього лікарі надрізають кістку в потрібному місці і повертають її в правильне положення. Спеціальна конструкція – апарат Веклича фіксує ногу і допомагає утворенню нової кісткової тканини. Жодна консервативна і медикаментозна методика не дають такого ефекту. Переваги операції в Ладістен:

  • малоінвазивність;
  • безкровність;
  • швидкість (30 хвилин);
  • використання покращеного апарату Векліча;
  • короткі терміни реабілітації;
  • гарні результати пацієнтів в 99% випадків;
  • відсутність великих шрамів після операції.

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