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Movement is life itself. And knee health is one of the key points in this postulate. How to keep joints until old age and get rid of pathologies if they are already present? The specialists of Ladisten give answers.

The knee joint is one of the largest and most mobile in the whole body. This is a complex biomechanism which performs thousands of movements every day.

Movement is life itself. And knee health is one of the key points in this postulate. How to keep joints until old age and get rid of pathologies if they are already present? The specialists of Ladisten give answers.

Types of deformities

Absolutely all joints are subject to changes over time. But the degree of change depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The higher the load on the joint, the higher the risk of developing pathology. Therefore, it becomes more difficult to keep the knee joints healthy over the years.

Deformities are a matter of particular danger. When they occur, the natural anatomical axes change and the entire musculoskeletal system is affected. Concomitant diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis and platypodia are added to the deformity.

The health of the knee joints is significantly weakened in case of such pathologies:

  • varus deformity. Bowed legs make the life pretty difficult for some people¹. Girls are the ones who psychologically suffer from this problem most of all. Visually, bowed knees manifest themselves in such a way: the knees diverge to the sides and the feet stand closed together;
  • valgus deformity. The legs look like the letter “X” in this case, with knees closing together and feet diverging to the sides. The degree of pathology is determined by the width of discrepancy and the angle of deflection of the knees. In severe form (more than 20 degrees), it is difficult for a person to move, faulty posture occurs. The mild form may not cause much discomfort, but there is a threat of diseases of the joint and cartilage to be developed;
  • congenital abnormalities. Knee health may suffer from chromosomal pathologies. Varus and valgus deformities may be accompanied by sprained knee ligaments, waddling gait, lateral deformities of the feet.

Patients come to Ladisten asking if it is possible to live with these problems when the deviation is insignificant. The answer is unequivocal: it is possible but not desirable. After all, the pathology can progress, and even a slight deflection from the anatomical axis has a negative effect. It is imperceptible in youth, but over the years the problem will show itself with acute pain in the joints and, eventually, their destruction.

Causes of diseases of the knee joints

How to keep joints in good condition until old age? First of all, it is necessary to reduce the risk of development of the deformities. The health of knee joints suffers for the following reasons²:

  •  lack of vitamin D and calcium, rickets;
  • excess weight and additional load on the joint;
  • problems with endocrine system of the mother;
  • congenital bone diseases;
  • early attempts to learn to walk;
  • injuries, leg fractures and torn ligaments, improper bone knitting during rehabilitation;
  • infection of bone tissue – osteomyelitis³;
  • limitation of movements in the pelvic area.

Unfortunately, not all of the causes can be avoided. Therefore, treatment of deformities is one of the leading vectors in orthopedics.

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How to keep joints in good condition until old age? First of all, it is necessary to reduce the risk of development of the deformities.

To help prevent knee injury and knee pain

Prevention of knee deformities, knee injury and knee pain must begin already in the mother’s womb. A balanced diet, intake of vitamin D and calcium, clean air have a positive influence on the development of the baby’s musculoskeletal system. When a baby is born, there is no need to rush to put him or her on his or her feet. Some boast that the baby started to walk on his or her own at the age of 8 months. However, it’s for nothing as this may have consequences for unformed joints. Walkers are designed for children who have reached 7-8 months of age and above. There is no need to put a child in them before. In adulthood, vitamins and minerals should also not be neglected. Infections are another enemy of bones and joints. You shouldn’t let your condition become advanced because of inadequate treatment. The same goes for injuries and fractures: they are best avoided. But if trouble has already happened, you should use every effort to restore the bone completely and to ensure that it is in the correct position while being knitted. Do not rush to remove the plaster cast. And of course, physical activity. Exercises to strengthen the collateral ligaments of the knee are one of the most important. These include squats, lunges and stretching. Running is useful for supporting the immune system, heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. You shouldn’t neglect it. However, it can harm the joints. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the knees when you practice running. This can be achieved with help of the usual warm-up before running laps.

Healthy foods to support the joints

The health of knee joints needs to be “replenished” with vitamins and minerals. The emphasis is done on vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus. These substances work in tandem – taking them one at a time is irrational. The main sources of them are fish, dairy products and eggs. Also it Is worth to add berries and pomegranates to the diet. Studies show that they reduce the risk of arthritis. Sunflower oil should be alternated with olive. Substances contained in olive oil protect chondrocytes (important cells in the articular apparatus) from destruction. For dessert, you can choose jelly. In addition to being tasty, it also contains gelatin. This substance supports the production of collagen for the elasticity of connective tissue. The health of knees needs permanent support. If you don’t neglect prevention and balance the load on the joints, you can extend their youth. And in case of complex deformities and regular pain, you can ask for help at Ladisten Clinic


  • ¹Barinov A.S., Vorobyov A.A., Zaitsev S.S., and Tsarkov P.S. “Cosmetic aspects of the operative correction of dysplastic varus deformities of the lower extremities” Modern technologies in medicine, no. 4, 2010, pp. 57-60.
  • ²Genu Valgum, Daniel Hatch, Orthobullets Magazine 09/15/2008
  • ³Bioavailable constituents/metabolites of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) preferentially inhibit COX2 activity ex vivo and IL-1beta-induced PGE2 production in human chondrocytes in vitro